
We have a couple of goals for today:

  1. Get to know our board, which has all the hardware on it that we'll need today.
  2. Write some software using just the board, playing with the LEDs, buttons, and sensors available
  3. Get our PC talking to the board
  4. Write some code for talking to our board and its sensors
  5. Write some code for streaming data to and from our sensors
  6. Write some custom applications

My goal is that everyone is able to learn something during the workshop. I've provided "checkpoints" in all of the exercises, so if you feel like you're running behind, you can always pick up at the next checkpoint. If you feel like you are running ahead, feel free to explore as you'd like! When in doubt, give it a try yourself before peeking at the next checkpoint, and feel free to ask me any questions, you're probably not alone!