Back to the firmware

We can now take a look at the comms-01 project, in the firmware folder.

We've taken away most of the driver code, and replaced it with the code we need to set up our RP2040's postcard-rpc setup.

Setup and Run

In our main, we've added this code:

fn main() {
let driver = usb::Driver::new(p.USB, Irqs);
let mut config = example_config();
config.manufacturer = Some("OneVariable");
config.product = Some("ov-twin");
let buffers = ALL_BUFFERS.take();
let (device, ep_in, ep_out) = configure_usb(driver, &mut buffers.usb_device, config);
let dispatch = Dispatcher::new(&mut buffers.tx_buf, ep_in, Context {});

spawner.must_spawn(dispatch_task(ep_out, dispatch, &mut buffers.rx_buf));

Let's break this down piece by piece:

fn main() {
let driver = usb::Driver::new(p.USB, Irqs);

This line is straight out of embassy-rp, it just sets up the hardware and interrupt handlers needed to manage the USB hardware at a low level. You would do this for any embassy-rp project using USB.

Next up, we handle some configuration:

fn main() {
let mut config = example_config();
config.manufacturer = Some("OneVariable");
config.product = Some("ov-twin");

example_config() is a function from the postcard_rpc::target_server module. This takes the configuration structure provided by embassy-usb, and customizes it in a standard way. This looks like this:

fn main() {
pub fn example_config() -> embassy_usb::Config<'static> {
    // Create embassy-usb Config
    let mut config = embassy_usb::Config::new(0x16c0, 0x27DD);
    config.manufacturer = Some("Embassy");
    config.product = Some("USB example");
    config.serial_number = Some("12345678");

    // Required for windows compatibility.
    config.device_class = 0xEF;
    config.device_sub_class = 0x02;
    config.device_protocol = 0x01;
    config.composite_with_iads = true;


We then overwrite the manufacturer and product fields to something specific for our exercise.

Then, we continue configuring the RP2040's USB hardware:

fn main() {
let buffers = ALL_BUFFERS.take();
let (device, ep_in, ep_out) = configure_usb(driver, &mut buffers.usb_device, config);
let dispatch = Dispatcher::new(&mut buffers.tx_buf, ep_in, Context {});

These lines do three things:

  • We take some static data buffers that postcard_rpc needs for USB communication, as well as for serializing and deserializing messages.
  • configure_usb, a function from postcard_rpc::target_server configures the USB:
    • It applies the config that we just prepared
    • It configures the low level drivers using the embassy-usb interfaces
    • It gives us back three things:
      • the device, which is a task that needs to be run to maintain the low level USB driver pieces
      • ep_in, our USB "Bulk Endpoint", in the In (to the PC) direction
      • ep_out, our USB "Bulk Endpoint", in the Out (to the MCU) direction
  • We set up a Dispatcher (more on this below), giving it the buffers, the ep_in, and a struct called Context

Then, we spawn two tasks:

fn main() {
spawner.must_spawn(dispatch_task(ep_out, dispatch, &mut buffers.rx_buf));

Which look like this, basically "just go run forever":

fn main() {
/// This actually runs the dispatcher
async fn dispatch_task(
    ep_out: Endpoint<'static, USB, Out>,
    dispatch: Dispatcher,
    rx_buf: &'static mut [u8],
) {
    rpc_dispatch(ep_out, dispatch, rx_buf).await;

/// This handles the low level USB management
pub async fn usb_task(mut usb: UsbDevice<'static, Driver<'static, USB>>) {;

Hopefully, this all makes sense covering the "setup" and "run" parts of getting the postcard-rpc stack going:

  • We setup the low level hardware, from the embassy-rp drivers
  • We have a helper function that configures the embassy-usb components
  • We hand those pieces to something from postcard-rpc, that uses the embassy-usb components

Let's scroll back up to the top of the firmware and see what we skipped:

Defining our protocol

At the top of comms-01, there's some interesting looking code:

fn main() {
static ALL_BUFFERS: ConstInitCell<AllBuffers<256, 256, 256>> =

pub struct Context {}

define_dispatch! {
    dispatcher: Dispatcher<
        Mutex = ThreadModeRawMutex,
        Driver = usb::Driver<'static, USB>,
        Context = Context
    PingEndpoint => blocking ping_handler,

The first part with ALL_BUFFERS we've explained a bit: we're using the ConstInitCell from the static_cell crate to create a "single use" set of buffers that have static lifetime.

The three 256 values are the size in bytes we give for various parts of the USB and postcard-rpc stack.

We then define a struct called Context with no fields. We'll look into this more soon!

Finally, we call a slightly weird macro called define_dispatch!. This comes from the postcard-rpc crate, and we'll break that down a bit.

fn main() {
dispatcher: Dispatcher<
    Mutex = ThreadModeRawMutex,
    Driver = usb::Driver<'static, USB>,
    Context = Context

First, since postcard-rpc can work with ANY device that works with embassy-usb, we need to define which types we are using, so the macro can create a Dispatcher type for us. The dispatcher has a couple of responsibilities:

  • When we RECEIVE a Request, it figures out what kind of message it is, and passes that message on to a handler, if it knows about that kind of Request.
  • If we pass on the message to the handler, we need to deserialize the message, so that the handler doesn't need to manage that
  • When that handler completes, it will return a Response. The Dispatcher will then serialize that response, and send it back over USB.
  • If an error ever occurs, for example if we ever got a message kind we don't understand, or if deserialization failed due to message corruption, the dispatcher will automatically send back an error response.

NOTE: this macro looks like it's using "associated type" syntax, but it's not really, it's just macro syntax, so don't read too much into it!

How does this Dispatcher know all the kinds of messages it needs to handle? That's what the next part is for:

fn main() {
PingEndpoint => blocking ping_handler,

This is saying:

  • Whenever we get a message on the PingEndpoint
  • Decode it, and pass it to the blocking function called ping_handler

If we look lower in our code, we'll find a function that looks like this:

fn main() {
fn ping_handler(_context: &mut Context, header: WireHeader, rqst: u32) -> u32 {
    info!("ping: seq - {=u32}", header.seq_no);

This handler will be called whenever we receive a PingEndpoint request. All postcard-rpc take these three arguments:

  • A &mut reference to the Context type we defined in define_dispatch, you can put anything you like in this Context type!
  • The header of the request, this includes the Key and sequence number of the request
  • The rqst, which will be whatever the Request type of this Endpoint is

This function also returns exactly one thing: whatever the Response type of this endpoint.

We can see that our ping_handler will return whatever value it received without modification, and log the sequence number that we saw.

And that's all that's necessary on the firmware side!