Command Line Options

The Poststation server contains a couple of options:

$ poststation --help

A tool for making it easy to talk to devices

Usage: poststation [OPTIONS]

      --simulator-devices <SIM_DEVICES>
          How many virtual simulator devices to spawn. Defaults to zero
      --interface-testers <INTERFACE_TEST_DEVICES>
          How many virtual simulator devices to spawn. Defaults to zero
          Run the device in headless mode, instead of launching the TUI
      --config-path <CONFIG_PATH>

  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

--simulator-devices <SIM_DEVICES>

This can be used to spawn a few simple simulated devices that can be used for testing interactions with the SDK or REST APIs.

--interface-testers <INTERFACE_TEST_DEVICES>

This can be used to spawn simulated devices that exercise a larger portion of possible postcard-schema types. This can be useful to ensure that your application can correctly handle a variety of different kinds of messages.


This option disables the TUI interface, and instead prints logs to stdout. This is intended to be used when installing poststation as a background service.

When run in --headless mode, the RUST_LOG environment variable can be used to control the log level of the system. See the EnvFilter docs for examples of how to fine tune the logging.


This controls the path used for the configuration file used by the poststation server. This overrides the default, and can be used for testing.