On first run, poststation
will create a configuration file in the default
data storage directory. This path will be printed on first run.
Additionally, you can use the poststation-cli folder
to show the location
of the data storage directory, including the path to the configuration file.
$ poststation-cli folder
Poststation Folder Information:
Folder: "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/com.onevariable.onevariable.poststation"
CA Certificate: "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/com.onevariable.onevariable.poststation/ca-cert.pem"
Configuration: "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/com.onevariable.onevariable.poststation/poststation-config.toml"
For certain security settings, you may need to use the "CA Certificate" listed here in order to establish secure connections. It is NOT recommended to add this certificate to your operating system's certificate store or the one used by your web browser.
Default Contents
The default configuration file currently contains the following:
## Poststation Configuration File
# # `apis.sdk`
# This section is used for the binary SDK. This section is required.
## API SDK Security options - pick ONE:
# Insecure, no encryption, only local connections will be allowed
# security = "insecure"
# Self-signed CA certificate. Global connections will be allowed, clients
# on other machines will need a copy of the generated CA Certificate
# This is the default and recommended option.
# security = "tls-self-signed"
## API SDK Listener options - pick ONE
# Listen only to connections on `localhost`
# This is the default option.
# listener.local-only = { port = 51837 }
# Listen to the given ipv4/ipv6 socket address. Use `` to listen
# on all interfaces. This option is not allowed when "Insecure" security
# is selected.
# = { socket_addr = "" }
# # `apis.http`
# This section is used for the REST API. This section is optional,
# and when omitted the REST API is disabled.
# When `insecure` security is selected, only `local-only` mode
# is allowed.
# [apis.http]
# ## REST API Security options - pick ONE:
# Insecure, no encryption, only local connections will be allowed
# security = "insecure"
# Self-signed CA certificate. Global connections will be allowed, clients
# on other machines will need a copy of the generated CA Certificate
# This is the default and recommended option.
# security = "tls-self-signed"
# ## Listener options
# listener.local-only = { port = 4444 } # default
# = { socket_addr = "" }
# # `storage`
# This section is used to control local storage options. This section
# is optional.
# Options for each item are `= "unlimited"` to set the storage to be
# unbounded, or `.fifo-megabytes = N`, where N is the (approximate) number
# of megabytes (specifically mebibytes, N * 1024 * 1024 bytes) to be used
# for storing data in a first-in first-out basis.
# Defaults are shown commented out.
# [storage]
# # Tracing history of Poststation
# tracing.fifo-megabytes = 32
# # Historical "endpoint" request and response data
# endpoints.fifo-megabytes = 128
# # Historical "topics in" message data
# topics-in.fifo-megabytes = 128
# # Historical "topics out" message data
# topics-out.fifo-megabytes = 128
# # Historical device log data
# logs.fifo-megabytes = 128
# # History of connected devices and their metadata
# devices.fifo-megabytes = 64
# # `experimental`
# This section is used to control experimental, unstable features. This
# section is subject to change without stability guarantees
# [experimental]
# # Unsafe Inhibit CORS
# Setting this to "true" will add HTTP handlers for OPTIONS requests and
# the addition of headers to requests allowing origin `*` and the following
# headers:
# * Accept-Encoding
# * Connection
# * Host
# * Origin
# * Referer
# * Sec-Fetch-Dest
# * Sec-Fetch-Mode
# * Sec-Fetch-Site
# * User-Agent
# * Content-Type
# This is NOT recommended for production usage, and may allow malicious websites
# to interact with your poststation server. This configuration is only effective
# if `apis.http` is enabled.
# unsafe-inhibit-cors = false
# # Allowed Bridges
# This feature enables bridging, allowing for a device to act as a connection
# to further devices.
# Acceptable values here are "none", "any", or a list of u64 serial numbers.
# Defaults to "none"
# allowed-bridges = "none"
# allowed-bridges = "any"
# allowed-bridges.specific = ["27927AE08C5C829B"]
The apis
The apis
section contains public interfaces presented by the poststation
server. These are used to interact with the attached devices from your host
The apis.sdk
This section controls the SDK API. This API is used by the poststation-sdk
crate, as well as the poststation-cli
By default, this API will be configured to:
- Serve ONLY to the local machine, on port 51837
- Serve using TLS encryption
Note that poststation will refuse to serve outside of the local machine, unless TLS encryption is enabled.
If you wanted to serve on any interface, using TLS encryption, you could use the following configuration:
security = "tls-self-signed" = { socket_addr = "" }
If you wanted to serve only locally, with no encryption, you could use the following configuration:
security = "insecure"
listener.local-only = { port = 51837 }
The apis.http
This section controls the HTTP/REST API. This API can be used by other languages such as Python to communicate with the poststation server.
For example requests using curl
, please see the poststation-api-icd
By default, this API will be configured to:
- Serve ONLY to the local machine, on port 4444
- Serve using TLS encryption
Note that poststation will refuse to serve outside of the local machine, unless TLS encryption is enabled.
If you wanted to serve on any interface, using TLS encryption, you could use the following configuration:
security = "tls-self-signed" = { socket_addr = "" }
If you wanted to serve only locally, with no encryption, you could use the following configuration:
security = "insecure"
listener.local-only = { port = 4444 }
The storage
This section limits the maximum persistent history used by Poststation.
Be careful when reducing these numbers! If your current history exceeds the new limits, the old data will be deleted, and this is NOT recoverable!
Each item may be set to "unlimited" storage, for example:
# Historical "endpoint" request and response data
endpoints = "unlimited"
Or be set to "First In, First Out", which deletes data when the storage exceeds the set limit:
# Historical "endpoint" request and response data
endpoints.fifo-megabytes = 128
The experimental
These flags are experimental, and may be removed at any time.
This flag causes the http
API to emit flags that allow for cross-site requests.
This is necessary if you'd like a web browser to interact directly with poststation's REST API.
This is NOT recommended, and may expose poststation to malicious website requests.
If you are building a web frontend, it is recommended to instead make API requests with your backend, and have the web frontend speak to your server, rather than poststation directly.
This flag enables the experimental "bridging" feature, that allows for a postcard-rpc server to proxy connections to further devices. Messages to bridged devices will be routed through the bridge device.
Bridge devices are responsible for reporting connected devices, and forwarding messages in both directions.
This interface is likely to change in breaking ways before stabilizing.
Acceptable values here are "none", "any", or a list of u64 serial numbers. Defaults to "none"
# Don't attempt to bridge any connections
allowed-bridges = "none"
# Trust any device that reports as a bridge, and allow for connection
# to onward devices
allowed-bridges = "any"
# ONLY allow the following devices (specified by serial number in hex form) to act
# as bridges. Any device reported by these bridges will establish a connection.
allowed-bridges.specific = ["27927AE08C5C829B"]