Command Line Interface

River: A reverse proxy from Prossimo

Usage: river [OPTIONS]

          Validate all configuration data and exit
      --config-toml <CONFIG_TOML>
          Path to the configuration file in TOML format
      --config-kdl <CONFIG_KDL>
          Path to the configuration file in KDL format
      --threads-per-service <THREADS_PER_SERVICE>
          Number of threads used in the worker pool for EACH service
          Should the server be daemonized after starting?
          Should the server take over an existing server?
      --upgrade-socket <UPGRADE_SOCKET>
          Path to upgrade socket
      --pidfile <PIDFILE>
          Path to the pidfile, used for upgrade
  -h, --help
          Print help


Running River with this option will validate the configuration, and immediately exit without starting any Services. A non-zero return code will be given when the configuration fails validation.

--config-toml <CONFIG_TOML>

Running River with this option will instruct River to load the configuration file from the provided path. Cannot be used with --config-kdl.

--config-kdl <CONFIG_KDL>

Running River with this option will instruct River to load the configuration file from the provided path. Cannot be used with --config-toml.

--threads-per-service <THREADS_PER_SERVICE>

Running River with this option will instruct River to use the given number of worker threads per service.


Running River with this option will cause River to fork after the creation of all Services. The application will return once all Services have been started.

If this option is not provided, the River application will run until it is commanded to stop or a fatal error occurs.


Running River with this option will cause River to take over an existing River server's open connections. See Hot Reloading for more information about this.

--upgrade-socket <UPGRADE_SOCKET>

Running River with this option will instruct River to look at the provided socket path for receiving active Listeners from the currently running instance.

This must be an absolute path. This option only works on Linux.

See Hot Reloading for more information about this.

--pidfile <PIDFILE>

Running River with this option will set the path for the created pidfile when the server is configured to daemonize.

This must be an absolute path.